As a homeschooler, I think its normal to become independent, last night I realized. You can't be independent without God, because if I say that I helped myself that day, I studied and passed that test, this is no longer independence, this is selfishness. I tend to forget this allot of times, and I hope to remember that God is the one who helped me that day, He was the one who gave me the strength to wake up that morning. The courage to start the test, and finish it. Finals week, is almost a faith test week, it tests how much you'll trust in God to help you. It helps to remember that God can help carry your burdens, I have allot to carry right now, and the pressure has been eating away at me. Last night I cracked open, and cried. I was glad I did, I asked God to take my burdens, because I could no longer carry it myself. And I feel better now, I have more courage in myself. That I'll be able to tackle obstacles that may come my way. And whe...