ITS HAPPENING!!! @_@ *lol i didnt realize i named my last post that* || Sections of my brain || Book work problems
So....they came. My uncles and grandma, are here, in my house. And Its been 5 hours, and they were the most stressful in my life. My grandma is so clingy!!! I don't want to be rude and tell her to not touch me. BUT STILL!! She keeps grabbing my arm, I think its broken. She's not a frail old woman, she's quite strong, and healthy. So, I'm not being unfair. Its not like she needs the support by holding me, she just does it 'cause she apparently, 'loves my mom, but since she's dead, I use that love on you!' Gee, what a compliment. Makes me feel a whole lot better. >insert sarcasm rolling eyes here< I don't want to be a replacement for my mom!! My mom deserves all the love you can give her, I'm just a fragment of my mom. I am super glad my grandma is in the guest room!! I mean how am I supposed to fart without concern if she's in my room?!?! XDDD OMS Don't act like you don't think like that ;-; She has my bed, and the floor is killi...