My friend might be dead...
Why hello there you fine looking bunch!! Imma be talking bout some serious stuff here. Prepare for a funeral you all, because this is gonna get sad. Last night I had a dream about 2 or 3 times, every night, repetitively. Now, I had a friend named Mia, she was basically like a little sister to me. I used to play with her after church, I haven't seen her for two years, so I don't understand why I started to just think about her. So there I was, in my dream, possibly on the second floor or higher of this odd building. My dad was their wearing a suit, and my dogs that I used to own 2 years ago, were also there. That was weird, because my grandma takes care of them now far away from where I live. Anyway, the surrounding area was like antique, creepily old. Then Mia's grandma and brother came up the stairs and were greeted by my dogs. I woke up, and I asked a couple people what this would mean. I came to the conclusion, that my friend, was dead. I'm not completely sure, but why would I just start to think about her all of a sudden? I hardly even remembered her that much...So, this might be God telling me about this. Now that I think about it, her father wasn't their either. I think that they had an accident, resulting in a near death experience, or their funeral. I am greatly saddened by this. Because this was just a dream, I don't know wether to grieve, or push it aside. But if this is true, I don't know how I'll respond...This is to much right now. I guess I'll have to wait and see. Bye then..
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