Why are we always ignored? When are feelings are hurt, and we need help the most, why does it feel like no one is there? It feels like your in a dessert, and you stand there calling for help, and yet no one seems to hear a single thing you say. You could be in a huge crowd of people and cry for help, but people will just brush you off their shoulder like your nothing. Like your a piece of dirt, why do I feel so small. Like an atom inside an atom that just keeps getting smaller. What is life when you feel like you have nothing to live for, when you feel so sad and empty. When you feel like no one will love you, no one will care. Where is that boy who will keep me company? Or even a best friend who will always be there for me? I have none of these things, I don't have a friend in the world who really cares about me. I am alone, a lifeless being as I am. With no purpose. I wake up, do school, go to bed. But whats the point? I feel like there is no point to anything anymore, like I'm just another particle of dust thats getting in people's way. What is my purpose? To write in this blog talking about how alone I feel? Every day, I can't look forward to anything. Nothing. I will be alone until I die. I will always feel this way, I don't think I will ever find a friend, I will never find anything that makes me happy everyday when I wake up. I wake up and think, why do I have to wake up? I just go through life with no meaning? What is the point......? I feel like life is pointless. I write to other people how they should keep living, but sometimes you just wonder. If there is actually a point? I feel selfish, and alone. I don't know what to do anymore...But I will keep living for my mom, for her, I will fulfill my purpose so that I can see her again. I must get through life, and live it to its utmost importance. I mustn't give up. I will struggle on, and live until God tells me I can see my mom again. This is what I live for, I live for my parents and God. I must live for the very person who created me, and the very people who had me as their child. Love keeps us living, there is always love left. Always something to live for.
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