Eeeeeeek!!!! :3333

OH MY STARS!! I JUST FOUND OUT THAT THIS BOY I LIKED 1 1/2 YEARS AGO LIKED ME!!!!!! *dies* *hyperventilates* I can't even!! :333 But how did he like me, and another girl at the same time? Maybe I shouldn't have freaked out about her.....Maybe he really liked me instead....:33333 I JUST CANT!!!! HELP!!! OH MY STARS!!! He was such a good friend...but having a crush on someone who eventually starts to like you back......*dies again* *sigh* I wish I still talked to him after I moved away...I miss him a lot now. D: Hahahaha I just had to write this down. If anyone reads this they should really start giving suggestions, because I feel so alone here ;-; *shouts* HELLO?! *echo* -_- I guess I am alone here *-*


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